Week 8, 2014: ... and I'm back

So, just as I said, back to running. I started with a slow and easy run on Monday. On Tuesday I tried to do my regular 14km loop at a leisurely pace, but my knee started giving me troubles and I had to walk the last 4 kilometers. Ehh, coming back after a break is never easy. Not only am I going at a snail's pace but it seems I also need to be super careful with the volume.

I decided to play it safe and only did two more easy 11K runs this week and ended up with 4 runs and a total of 45km. Goal for the next week: increase the volume to 60km; patience is the key.

On a more positive side I recently realized that Coastal Trail Runs just published their annual rankings and it turns out I am first for 50K in my age group (males, 30-39). I did 5 of the 50K races with them last year (out of the total 21 that they organized) and I got, respectively, 6th, 2nd, 1st, 7th and 2nd position (in the age group), which turned out to be just enough to place first.

It's more a testament to how small and homely those events are than anything else but still it is a very pleasant surprise :). Awards ceremony will be this Saturday.


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