Week 34, 2012
Slowly getting there. Yet again a not quite satisfactory week. I started on Monday with a 15K run that would normally be a recovery run, but since I didn't do anything on the weekend I decided to turn up the pace a bit and ended up with 4:55 min/km. My Five Fingers were burning the tarmac ;). On Tuesday, intervals. I could only go late, but that was kinda fortunate as it was super hot during the day and not so anymore at 22:30 when I started. I went to the AV'23 track and did 5 intervals of 1200m with 3' breaks. I did exactly the same training 4 months ago; then at 4:01 min/km, now at 3:57 min/km and also with a lower heart rate: 166 in place of 171, though I suspect that this was the result of a more complete recovery between intervals. Anyway, I was very happy that I managed to push myself that hard on my own; running in a group provides a huge mental boost with this type of training. Finishing at midnight felt great. I was totally knackered but the sense of accomplish...