Fitspector is live!

(I know I'm again behind with updates; will try to catch up soon, but in the meantime...)

Some of you may know that I was entertaining the idea of making a fitness related website for... well, forever ;). I spend countless hours trying to think of a good name for it (if you ask me that's not an easy task; athleticity and fitnett were the prime suspects) and even dabbed at some prototypes, the results of which you can see in the weekly updates on this blog. But in general it was lots of talking and little doing.

Things changed two months ago when I started following the Coursera version of the Stanford's Startup Engineering course. At first I was planning to just casually follow the lectures, but at some point I got drawn into the course. When I learned that the final project will be building a Kickstarter-like teaser page for one's project I realized that this is finally a chance for my fitness site idea.

I decided not to try to cover full functionality of existing sites (I consider Endomondo, Strava and RunKeeper as my main "competitors"), as that would be hopeless and instead focus on one aspect: powerful, flexible and beautiful analysis and visualization of one's training data. Because frankly I was always a bit frustrated with simplicity of such features in existing sites. They would provide basic charts all right (and even for what I consider basic charts you'd oftentimes need paid versions), but more interesting visualizations that would allow you to explore your workouts data or more advanced analysis are not really their forte.

Along with this functionality focus I also changed the name. And that is how Fitspector was born.

While it's still mostly in the concept phase, few days back I published a demo and an accompanying contest. Please do take a look. And if you think that it is any good pretty please consider making a preorder. It's not really about the money but I'm using this to gauge interest in such a site and if I won't reach the critical mass I'll probably have to ditch this project for good. And I'd truly hate that. So please, entries start as low as $9.50 :). Oh yes, if I do ditch it you will receive a full refund!

P.S. Did I already mention that telling your friends and family about this is totally cool with me? ;)

P.P.S. Of course I'm very interested in feedback. Drop a line here or let me know at


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