Week 8, 2012

Great week. Now time for some rest.

It didn't start too great. Tuesday morning I did a gentle morning run and then went for the evening intervals with AV'23. First some drills and then we were doing short 400m intervals. Unfortunately my right hamstring completely gave up on me after the second one and I had to turn this nice training into easy jogging. Was it that I was too enthusiastic in the drill sprints? Maybe. But it's also very probable that I was trying to increase the intensity too fast after the injury (I heard through the grapevine that this is what Jan thinks, though he never had the courage to tell it to me face to face :P). Anyhow, on Thursday I again started with an easy run in the afternoon and then faced a dilemma. My legs were kinda heavy so should I do a heavy evening training as planned or go easy instead? Yeah. Right. Big dilemma it was. 8K at an average 5:10min/km, including 2K at a marathon pace (4:38 min/km) made for a fairly nice run.

On Saturday I did my long run, which came to a quite respectable 38K (extra 3K mostly due to getting lost ;). It felt great. There is something magical about such long runs; tiring as hell, but the satisfaction... but I have to say that the thought that if I were to start in the Poland Footrace I'd have to do twice the distance and then do that for two weeks, every day. Wooo. But hey, one step at a time. I'm planning to steadily increase the length of my weekend runs and my first goal is to reach 70K daily within 3-4months (in 2 sessions!). Let's see how that goes and I'll take it from there.

If all that was not enough on Sunday I volunteered (well, kind of...) to run in the DiemerCross. On Sunday morning I certainly regretted this decision but there was no going back. The race was unlike anything I did before, which may be understandable given that I never run in any cross races so far. It certainly was a very muddy race. All in all it also was fairly enjoyable, though I have to admit I didn't complain that the organizers messed up and the race turned out to be closer to 7K than the promised 8K. As a bonus we supposedly got a prize as a team (no details known yet) -- hurray! :)

So with that I closed this week with 6 running trainings and 97km in total. Not bad at all. I have to say that now I'm totally spent and I'm certainly planning to take it easy and make the next week a recovery week. 4 trainings probably and a total of 60K. If my legs allow me I'll try to concentrate a bit more on speed. If not, so be it. The timing is not perfect as the following week is the CPC half-marathon in DenHague, so I'd rather make that week easy (with a nice finishing touch) but one cannot have everything :).


Thyra said…
I assume that by "70k daily" you mean 70k in one day but not EVERY day... Because that would be insane!! Greetings from the grapevine. :)
Adam Koprowski said…
Indeed, I meant 70K on one day. With 70K daily I'll wait for the Poland Footrace :D
jean said…
Well, i am a great believer in rest and recovery. Work has to be done of course. But you also give the body time to suck it up. Try to find a good balance! But let yourself not be dictated bij the statistics. Because you know, you have liies, greater lies and .........statistics!
Have a good week!

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