Week 28, 2011

Steady week, only 4 trainings, but 70K covered.

11 Jul - 17 Jul
This week's totals: 4x, 7:02, 71km [11:17]
Next week's plan: 5x, 6:55, 73km
11 km19.4 km16 km22.7 km
RS 60' [TM]SR 9kmSR 16kmRT 22km
141 hrm157 hrm135 hrm
#104:44 min/km5:59 min/km
gym (1:00)squash (0:45)
modern dance (1:30)
body pump (1:00)

Running strength on Tuesday, steady run with SportWorld on Wednesday (10 km at 4:44min/km) and another one, unplanned, with Jan & Michal on Friday (not sure about the figures because I went without my watch but it was a fast 16K). Not a single easy run. And I felt it. On Sunday we did a 22K running trip with Thyra & Michal, at a leisurely pace and yet I felt completely drained from energy. I'm glad that on Saturday it was raining cats & dogs all day long, so that in the end I didn't do anything... only to realize later that it was my first day in more than two weeks with no sport activity whatsoever. Did I mention already that I need some rest? ;)


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