Week 27, 2011

Recover time being over, that was a week with a fair amount of good running -- one of the most intense this year, in fact.

4 Jul - 10 Jul
This week's totals: 5x, 7:44, 81km [11:29]
Next week's plan: 5x, 6:57, 69km
13.3 km17.6 km14.2 km5.0 km31.0 km
RS 12x400m/80''ER 16kmER 14kmS! 5km (Beach Challenge)RT 30km
167 hrm136 hrm135 hrm137 hrm139 hrm
3:49 min/km5:10 min/km5:15 min/km4:48 min/km5:36 min/km
squash (0:45)gym (1:00)gym (1:00)
power yoga(1:00)

Good week. Five trainings, including a start on 5K -- not very fast, admittedly, but that was more due to the nature of the race than to my form :). Which seems to be ok. I do easy runs at 5:10-5:15 min/km with a very low heart rate, which is a very good sign.

The highlight of the week, however, was not the 5K race on Saturday but the following day. Tired after the race I was hesitating whether I should do any running. There was a group of friends going for a run at 10:00 -- it was temping to join them but I was in a serious need of catching some sleep so decided (wisely) not to. But in the evening I felt quite ok, the weather was very nice and I decided to go for a running trip.

Now, I've been doing running trips for a long time already. My "default" route was to go to Muiden and back. It's a very nice route, green, no traffic -- pure pleasure! However I always felt that going back the same route is kind of a "waste". So few weeks ago I decided to go for a somewhat longer run and came back via Weesp. Which was good.

But this Sunday I went one step further. I decided to run "one way" only and go back by train. This allowed me to go further and indeed I went all the way to Bussum, making a stop-over in the fort of Naarden (complete route).

Long story short: it was awesome! It's a great route and doing this 30K+ felt really great. Possibly the only uncomfortable part was coming back by train when I was quite self-conscious of the fact that I don't exactly smell like daisies and even though I stayed at the corridor, well... Anyhow, all in all it was a great run and I'm sure to do this more often. In fact already now I'm getting all excited looking for routes for coming weeks ;).

The only problem is that I'd really love to run a 10K race in the coming 2-3 weeks. And the schedule is not looking very good. Unless I missed something it seems I'd have to go by train for ~2hours for any of the races in that period. Or did I miss something? Will I have to wait till 5th of August to run in the race organized by Dutch Gay & Lesbian Athletics? :) Or should I go in two weeks to Egmond? I hope Jan will have some secret race for me up his sleeve ;)


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