Week 26, 2011

An unplanned recovery week, finished with an unsuccessful 10K run :)

27 Jun - 3 Jul
This week's totals: 3x, 3:20, 37km [5:20]
Next week's plan: 5x, 6:57, 69km
12.5 km14.5 km10.3 km
ST 12x400m/80''ER 10km+10x100m/100mS! 5km (Bosloop Leidse Hout)
158 hrm137 hrm176 hrm
3:56 min/km5:02 min/km4:11 min/km
squash (0:45)gym (1:00)core (0:15)

What a disaster :D. Tuesday to Thursday I was in Paris on a work trip; things got pretty funky at work and it was easily my busiest week for the last 2 years. Result: hardly any time for running. At first I thought it was a good thing because I seriously needed to get some rest and I would never do that properly if not forced by circumstances.

But, since it was such an easy week, I decided to use this opportunity and run 10K on Sunday. The weird thing is that I didn't feel rested at all on Sunday. Actually my legs felt heavy as hell. Am I that over-trained? Anyhow, the race was a complete disaster :D. Now I have a dilemma whether to run the Beach challenge this Saturday in Den Haag. 5K or 10K? We'll see how I feel...


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