3 goals for the coming 3 years

I like running. I like challenges. I like numbers. So, 3 running challenges for the 3 coming years:

  • Run 10K in <40:00,
  • Run a marathon in <3:00:00
  • Run 100K ultra-marathon; time pretty much irrelevant, although doing it in <10:00:00 would certainly be awesome

At the moment the first goal seems easiest, I just ran my personal best of 41:05 on 10K, although improving this by one minute will certainly not be easy.

As for the marathon breaking the 3 hours barrier is still far beyond my reach (3:15:17 is my best at the moment)

Finally, I never run anything longer than a marathon, so I cannot even fathom what running 100K involves (though I can easily guess: LOTS of pain).

Btw. I also had my goals for 2011, which were:

  • To run at least 2000K during the year (I did it only once in 2004, and barely as I did 2014K that year) and
  • To run two marathons this year (I did it only once in 2007 when I run in Copenhagen on 20/05/2007 and then in Dublin on 29/10/2007).

It seems that meeting those goals will not be a problem, as we're not yet half-way through the year and I already run the New Jersey marathon, subscribed for Budapest marathon (2/10/2011) and so far run 1427km. Sweet :)


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