Arc of Attrition '19

The road to Arc Arc of Attrition... the good ol' Arc... Admittedly I have some history with that race. There's some love. There's some resentment. We definitely bonded over the years though. This love-hate affair started in 2017 when I tried it for the very first time without quite knowing what I was getting myself into. Winter race, very technical trails, lots of ups and downs... I wasn't ready for any of it and had to throw in the towel halfway through, being borderline injured. Then came 2018 . I was very determined to get my revenge from previous year's DNF (my second one ever). I was better prepared and I did fight for longer but after 70 miles I was done again, this time busting my shins. Training And so 2019 was supposed to be the year. I promised myself to train hard and come race day to show it who's da boss! I was always the happy-go-lucky kinda runner, never really following any structured training or plan but just running for the joy of it....